Publisher Criteria

As Reklam Agaci, creating a secure and satisfactory internet experience for your visitors is our first priority. Therefore, all our publisher sites must meet the following criteria:

  • The publisher site must have minimum 1000 pages demonstrated daily.
  • Publisher site cannot include media that contains child pornography and animal sex as well as such types of links.
  • Publisher site cannot contain any kind of content that malign and accuse a person or institution.
  • Publisher site cannot merchandise products which do not have license.
  • Publisher site cannot contain any kind of content that is illegal. (e.g. How can a bomb manufactured?, How can a credit card be stolen? etc.)
  • Publisher site can not contain proxy site connections.
  • Publisher site can not contain assaulting and wild content.
  • Publisher site can not contain agitations pertaining to race, ethnical origin, politics or religion.
  • The pages publisher site must be on the stage of construction.
  • The pages publisher site must not be published from free servers.
  • Publisher site can not modify the Reklam Agaci codes that it integrates.

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